
Thanks for writing and sharing your experience, Brian! Very helpful article.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

As also a self-published author, I can't stress how true all of this is lol. You can transfer most of this knowledge to paperback books and nothing will change. Thanks Brian for putting it all in one post for people to see.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

Wow, thanks so much for this comprehensive guide! Bookmarking this for future use :-)

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

Great stuff, Brian. Very useful to have this outline aggregated into a single post.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

Here's a couple of additional useful resources (I'm not affiliated, just a satisfied customer):

1) Publisher Rocket plus other useful templates and tools for Self-Publishing authors : https://kindlepreneur.com/tools/

2) How to recognise and deal with KDP / KU scams : https://kindlepreneur.com/amazon-printing-scams/

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

We spent a lot of time getting our book ready to publish, and finally made it during the heart of the pandemic when we had some extra time. It was agonizing!

This probably would have been really helpful, Brian.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

I bought Atticus earlier this month and it's up there as one of my favorite purchases for writing so far.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

This is a great primer. Particularly on ISBNs and copyrights. This is where your take true ownership of your work as an indie writer.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

This was extremely informative and helpful. Thank you, Brian! It's also one of the most well-edited newsletters I've read.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

Great breakdown of a process I completed in January. After paying an editor and cover artist to do my art (both are friends and I designed the cover using Canva), I'm still waiting to break even, but it's so rewarding to have the book in my hands. Working on my next project now and I'm planning to use the same process again.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

Extraordinarily helpful Brian, not least because I trust the author! I’m going to bookmark it.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

Can you see where the sales occur? Like, can you tell if your mom bought ten copies, or if traffic came from your substack post, or do you just see total numbers?

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Winston Malone, Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

Congrats! 🎉

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Brian Reindel 👾⚔️

This is stellar! I've been through most of what you write about and wish I had this as a reference at that time. Well done.

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Hi Brian, thanks for the info. I'm preparing a book and was wondering if you have a recommendation for font type/size (for the main story text)? I did another book a couple of years ago with Calibri 11.0 but not sure if that's the best choice. What do you think?

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